Fall Play. Exposed.

Camera. Lights. Action?

Every year, patrons of the arts (a.k.a students cajoled into extra credit by their English teachers), the lovely teachers of Pine Crest Upper School, and parents rush to the see the fall play during its three day showcase.  With the help of Mr. Fitzpatrick, the Drama Club comes together to help put together one of the first showcases of the fine arts in the new school. Unsurprisingly, they never fail.

So what makes fall play so special? What goes on “behind the scenes?” And, how does it come together so flawlessly in under two months?

Step 1: Audition for countless days in a row.

Step 2: Show up to rehearsal from here on out–most of the time.

Step 3: Memorize lines. Lines. Lines. Lines.

Step 4: Come to school haggard, exhausted, and sleep-deprived (sometimes).

Step 5: Spend hours and hours of time with people you will never forget. Making memories you  will never forget.

Step 6: Rehearsal. Rehearsal. Rehearsal.

Step 7: Throw in some more sleepless nights.

Step 8: Showtime.

Step 9: Pray nothing goes wrong.

Step 10: Watch everything come together.

Step 11: Wait for applause.

Step 12: Exhale. Oh, and wait for the flowers.

After seeing the “process” of creating the perfect showcase, maybe attendees can understand the hard work, hours and hours of rehearsal, set building, and organizing that goes into the fall play each and every year. Somehow, a seemingly small cast and crew come together in such a brief period of time to put on an extraordinary performance. And they do it without complaint. Because they love it. And who wouldn’t? So, come out and see fall play! This year’s performance is Twelve Angry Jurors in late October, so stop by and see months of work come together perfectly.