Five Ways to Brighten Up Your Home

With the 2020-2021 school year being like no other, many students at Pine Crest attend virtual school through Zoom. Sitting at a desk for most of the day can strain one’s physical and mental health. While remaining in the same desk chair throughout the day is inevitable for many Zoom students, these students can make five small and easy changes to improve their mental health and decór of their rooms. Here are five ways to freshen up your home:

#1: Declutter

As students focus on their screens throughout the school day, work tends to pile up around their desk space and surrounding area. To make their bedroom less cramped, many students should the first step of freshening up their home by decluttering their workspace. Picking up loose papers, cleaning out drawers, and organizing computer files are three good examples of the first steps for students to take.

Virtual student Tehila Setton ’23 explains how she manages her space at home. Setton says, “I frequently rearrange the items on my desk. Even something small can create less clutter and makes for a fresher room.”

#2: Move Furniture Around

Additionally, online students can consider moving around objects and furniture in their bedrooms to change things up and try out new styles. Moving the couch to the other side of the living room, for example, makes the room seem entirely different. Rearranging home décor and moving furniture around requires minimal effort and no money, but still creates a different and fresh look your home.

#3: Add Colors and Designs

If one is dissatisfied with their current décor, the greatest and most simple way to spice up your home is to add some color with accent pieces such as paintings or brightly colored cushions. With a few additions to your walls and rooms, you can create an easy makeover that completely changes your home’s look. Even adding a brightly colored towel to a muted bathroom can elevate the room and bring the whole space together. Furthermore, adding colors to rooms can change your daily mood and improve your headspace.

#4: The Power of Three

The power of three is another simple concept in decorating where three pieces of décor are placed near each other. This is done to trick the eye into admiring the simple yet intricate style of design. These pieces can range from vases and picture frames to flowers and plants as well. Also, by varying the sizes and shapes of these pieces, you can create a sense of style and intricacy in your home decór.

#5: Incorporate Nature

The last method of freshening up your home is to add elements of nature to a stifling area. To incorporate nature into home décor, Aloe Vera and Spider Plants are attractive indoor plants that do not require much work to keep alive. Adding greenery to your home not only keeps you calm and relaxed, but also promotes airflow and releases oxygen. Also, by opening windows, one is able to recycle the air in their room.

Tehila Setton often feels cramped in her room due to its small size and lack of proper lighting. In between classes, Setton expands and brightens her space by adding light and airflow to her room. Setton says, “I like to open my windows from time to time for some fresh air.”

Spending time at home may be the only option for many students during these unsettling times. However, these five simple and quick additions can add to your work space and greatly improve your mental health and lifestyle.


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