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The Student News Site of Pine Crest School

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The Student News Site of Pine Crest School

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Let’s Get Trendy: 2016 Edition


[ot-caption title=”2016 will be a festive and innovative year. (via, Ava Goldstone, Sophomore)”]

From Silly Bandz to Heelys, with a new year, comes new trends, and 2016 is going to bound to make an impact on the commercial markets. This year we can expect to see advances and unbelievable new products in technology, food, and so much more. The question is, are these trends here to stay or they really just fads that are going to fade just as quickly as they came?

Have you ever wanted to just take a break from life? Or take a trip to a different world? According to Market Watch, there will be brand new technology that we can all take part in this year.  Virtual Reality is going to be available to consumers all over in 2016. Virtual Reality headsets allow you to submerse yourself and take on a presence in a video game or online world. “I think that they are super cool, and it really brings the games to life. I lowkey want one,” says 10th grader, Nia Simpson.

Not only will people be sporting futuristic headphones, but they can also show off their “wearables” too.  Wearables are clothing and/or accessories that incorporate technology (phones, computers, ipads, etc.) into fashion. For example, a popular wearable in 2015 was the Apple Watch. Samsung, Apple, and multiple fashion brands are working on creating fashion-forward products that incorporate electronics. Don’t forget about Google Glass. Last year Google announced that they were stopping sales of the prototype eyewear in order to focus on improving the product. On December 28, 2015, Google released news that they are working on a new version of the glasses; so keep your eyes open in 2016 for this optical wearable, as well.

Shifting into the appetites of America are new restaurants and food trends. Sushi won’t be the only food wrapped in seaweed in 2016. According to Cosmopolitan, seaweed flavor popcorn and Starbucks Soda will take over 2016. At first glance, seaweed flavor popcorn sounds slightly far fetched and even gross. But, seaweed provides a healthy alternative to the artificial flavoring usually added to popcorn and is actually delicious. Apparently, many different flavors of popcorn will be coming out this year, as it is the fastest growing snack in the USA.  For all of the caffeine fiends out there, Starbucks’ Soda is in the making. Golden Ginger Ale, Spiced Root Beer, and Lemon Ale are the three Fizzio flavors currently offered at a select group of stores. Also, they are attempting to create a healthier and natural alternative to Coca-Cola products. If all goes as planned, Fizzio will be available at every Starbucks; fingers crossed! Junior Parsa Hoghooghi states, “The drinks seem like a good idea, in theory, but it all comes down to the taste.” Food innovation will definitely be prevalent in 2016, with a major goal to create healthier and nutritious alternatives.

This year is going to be full of new experiences, new people, and new trends. These predictions are only the beginning of the potential 2016 holds!

Sources: Market Watch, Wikipedia, Starbucks, Explain That Stuff, Wareable, Cosmopolitan

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Let’s Get Trendy: 2016 Edition