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Pine Crest’s very own Type One is making headline news after winning a myriad of awards from The Columbia Scholastic Press Gold Circles Awards Program for media publication. Directly affiliated with Columbia University, Gold Circle Awards began in 1984 “to recognize superior work by student journalists usually as individuals but sometimes as an entire staff working with either print or online media.” In the 2015 competition, there were 4,646 total entries entered into the competition from students in colleges, universities, and high schools all across America. Of that 4,646 entries, there were 671 winners of the first, second, and third prizes.
As if one award wasn’t honorable enough, Type One received a total of five awards ranging from first to third place. Senior Alexandra Oshinsky won second place for her piece “Are You a Feminist” and third place for her piece “Lady Gaga at SXSW.”Both articles were in the category of General Humor or Commentary. Sophomore Samantha Meade, won second place in News Feature for her piece titled “Son of Hamas, the Green Prince, The One who Loves All“. Samantha told Type One, “I was really pleased with how it came out, but never would’ve guessed that it would win any award, especially on a national level. Mrs. J actually never told me that she submitted the article in the beginning of the year, so when she told me last month, I was very shocked.”
In Headline Writing, the entire staff of Type One was awarded first place. Additionally, the staff won second place in the Typography category. Most notably, Type One won the Gold Medalist Certificate for the 2014 annual critique. The awards bestowed on the newspaper are a true testimony to the dedication and leadership of Co-Editors-In-Chief, Ruchika Sharma and Alexis Kesselman. Moreover, none of these achievements would have been possible without the behind the scenes efforts of Mrs. Jaramillo, whose passion and hard work keeps the paper alive year after year. A very special congratulations to the Type One writers on their incredible accomplishments!
Sources: Columbia Scholastic Press, PC Type One