Homecoming Week Day 2

Stefan Awaida ’23 dresses like Mr. Greenhut for the junior doubles theme.

Day 2 (Tuesday, October 12th, 2021) is Hollywood-themed! Today’s Homecoming activities were the homecoming court speeches and voting and dress down day.

Today, seniors dressed up as their favorite characters from a movie or tv show. The theme for juniors was stunt doubles so they dressed up as a friend or teacher. Sophomores had a pajama day, taking inspiration from movie viewers. Lastly, freshmen dressed up as Hollywood Blvd Tourists.

PCTV presented the current point standings: seniors are in the lead with 800 points but juniors are still in the running with 700 points. Sophomores and freshmen are trailing behind with 450 and 250 points.

Next, we watched the homecoming court speeches from our advisories. The running queens are Cookie Zaki, Emma Rende, Molly Schlesinger, Kayla Marcus, Annabelle Harvey, and Mary Beighley. The nominated kings are Connor Ockerman, Jake Fucci, Enzo Sampaio, Malcolm Widger, and Yemi Louis-Williams.
The videos definitely took us all by surprise: Ms. Knights’ advisory held the consensus that the videos were absolutely phenomenal and surprisingly hilarious.