Popping the Question: Sadie Hawkins Style

Pine Crest kicked off February this year with the Sadie Hawkins dance. However, preparation started weeks before. The dance was one thing, but girls asking guys was a whole new aspect. While some proceeded to ask their guy quietly, others made a spectacle. Each was a special memory, and here are our favorites for this year.

Kyra Baum started off the Sadie season in style, surprising Alec Neita with a line of girls lifting up their skirts to reveal spankies with words pinned on them. After some staring and some shock, he decoded the message and said yes.

Eunice Kho was brave enough to staple her proposition to the staircase in front of the reflecting pool, complete with a variety of balloons her date could choose from. Caleb Koerbel didn’t have much of a choice between red balloons for yes and blue balloons for no because “p.s. there are no blue balloons ;)”.

An unassuming message was posted on the Class of 2013 Facebook page by Alyssa Leighton as an announcement. What she kept a surprise was that it was a message meant for one person only – Nick Schaeffer, whose outside-of-school girlfriend created a clever YouTube video just for him.

Many chose the biological route. Decoding DNA might not be fun in most classes, but many guys, including Noah Saltzman, Matt Moore, and Kent Haeffner, were surprised to find a secret message hidden in the girls’ genes.

Then on Friday, to everyone’s, including Blake Halim’s delight, mile markers arrived at his classes throughout the day. At the 8th period finish line, Hannah Montague waited with brownies.

This momentous occasion, a first for PC, will hopefully become a lasting tradition where gutsy girls can grab a guy while the school enjoys the spectacle.