What Really Goes on in Mrs. Smith’s AP Art Class?

In the land of far, far away, at the back of the Pine, there’s a hidden kingdom—the FAC, which holds the mystical room of Mrs. Smith’s Art AP classes. They sound like just any other AP class, right?  Wrong. Mrs. Smith isn’t just any other teacher. And the Art Room doesn’t just hold any other class. What truly goes on in Mrs. Smith’s Art AP class? We have no idea.

What we do know is 1) Mrs. Smith is the big, bad, boss leader of the Bohemian band of PC artists, 2) her room is always full of activity, loud noises, and opinions, and 3) art is somehow produced amidst the chaos.

An insider’s description of the class makes it sound like a ton of work and a ton of fun, “I skip my lunch periods to finish deadlines, but it’s worth it. What other class would I possibly be allowed to rock out, kick back, and truly enjoy the ‘school work’?” Mrs. Smith’s people seem generally happy, unless she’s unhappy with them. “It’s stressful on occasions, but we always find a way to work it out- usually ending with hair spray sealant and hugs.”

The secret is only enjoyed by partakers of the studio art classes; we can assume that Mrs. Smith’s AP class is efficient and talented (just look at the gallery’s walls!) but also a place to take a break from the school day. Although it may not be tranquil behind Mrs. Smith’s door, it’s a paradise where free expression runs rampant.