Art History’s NYC Pilgrimage

Every year, only a select few decide to take the perilous journey through Gardner’s: A History of Art. This assemblage is inundated by thousands of paintings, cathedrals, sculptures, vases, etc. With the help of Mrs. Ledbetter and stamina, the Art History AP class is able to make it through, at least until March. Then the real fun comes along. The New York Trip.

This year’s Art History trip is returning to the hallowed city of pricey galleries, renowned museums, and tacky street art. And we’re going to go see it all—and, in just two days. You’re right when you say Art History kids are crazy, except we take it to a whole new level.

The itinerary is almost set in stone just like Naram Sim’s Egyptian stele tablets. The boots and willpower are as good as any Greek spear bearer’s. And, of course, the Art History family embodies the beauty of any Michelangelo freestanding sculpture.

Students are excited for a host of different activities, spanning from the suicide run around the Met, the contaminated Rockefeller center pretzels, and of course the Broadway show Anything Goes, hopefully featuring Mrs. Ledbetter’s son. The class has already made a pact to break the other performer’s legs! “What other school trip takes you out for an evening of theater?” says Junior Elyse Anderson who is excited for what lies ahead, “It gives us a break to actually enjoy the thousands of pounds of knowledge we just extracted from our bible- uh I mean, textbooks. Now we can come back refreshed, finish up, and get ready for May’s AP testing.”

After studying, visualizing, and trying to gain perspective on the great artworks throughout history, the New York trip offers the opportunity to experience a handful of them firsthand while enjoying the company of fellow classmates. Nothing has sounded so picturesque since Altdorfer’s Battle of Issus.