Republican Candidates High School Style

It’s that time again. People are hitting the polls to show their support for the Republican candidates. Many states have gone down with different winners.

A lot of things about the candidates intrigue us: their views on various issues, their families, their pasts, their likes and dislikes. But what were the Republican candidates like in high school? Which so-called “clique” would they fall into? Would Newt Gingrich be the far-fetched dreamer or the class clown?

Mitt Romney: Mr. Perfect. The Perfect Hair. The Perfect Smile. Always perfect. Mitt was raised, to not be the best, but better than the best. But high school didn’t quite agree with him. Mitt was vice-president of student council, coming oh-so close to being president. Mitt was even quarterback of his high school’s football team, but he was second-string. But, he still had his amazing grades, good looks, popularity to fall back on.

Newt Gingrich: The bully. Newt was very opinionated and not afraid to speak up. He was only happy if things were going his way. If things weren’t going his way, he’d push some people around until things got done. Newt was also known as a huge dreamer. Always dreaming of what life could be like on the moon.

Rick Santorum: The dork in the sweater vests. Guys like Newt were usually seen stealing lunch money from Rick. Rick was the guy who spoke in class and everyone immediately groaned, yelling for him to shut up. Specifically, when the teacher forgot to collect homework, Rick would issue a gentle reminder, causing everyone to hate him. Rick could be seen always trying to hang onto Mitt and his clique.

Ron Paul: The nerd. Ron was always seen eating lunch all by himself. An active member of the chess team and the mathletes, Ron always had his nose in the books. Like Rick, he also spent most of his time studying but was very quiet. He tutored guys like Newt, which made him pretty respected. But he was never as popular as Mitt.