Varsity Tennis

The season has officially begun after 3 long weeks of challenge matches. On Monday, February 6, the official team was announced. This year, for the first time, there is a twist. Instead of having one team, there are two: the Green Team and the White Team. The Green Team consists of 10 boys and 10 girls who will compete in matches throughout the season. The White Team has constant challenge matches to help earn them their spot on the team next year.  Coaches Brett Kurtz, of the Varsity Girls, and coach Farhaan Malik, of the Varsity boys, are constantly motivating and encouraging their players. Travelling with the team to each match, both coaches keep a positive attitude whether there is a win or loss.

The team’s first match took place on Tuesday, February 7. This away match, against Coral Springs Charter, ended very successfully for the PC team. Almost everyone winning 8-0 against his or her opponents certainly earned the PC team a good reputation. They ended with an overall win of 7-0.

The team has a few matches coming up and hopes that you will come out and support them and wish them a successful season.