Holiday Vaca

Over this past break, PC students had a chance to relax after a long first semester and excruciating exams. I had a chance to ask many Pine Crest students what their favorite thing was about having a two week long break over the holidays.

I got responses like, “I love traveling,” “sleeping in,” “having time to relax,” skiing” and many more.

Junior Max Haubenstock’s favorite thing  about break was “going on a cruise through the Caribbean. I visited a lot of new places, including an old fort, which was pretty cool. Overall, it was nice to relax for 2 weeks, which we don’t get to do that often.”

I also caught up with PC student Anastasia Novak and she said, “Break is a good chance for people to travel to other countries, to explore and experience the things that not everyone can.”

I wanted to get a freshman perspective on the break, since they never experienced the high school exam process before. Lauren Mazzarisi claimed, “My favorite thing about break is it gives you a period of time to just relax and spend time with your family. Because we spend the last few weeks of the semester studying for exams, its nice to have a break to look forward to, in order to stay motivated.”

Grant Stanford also had a great time visiting his home state, California, and explained, “It was really nice to get away and not have to worry about any school work. I got a chance to go back to California and ski at Lake Tahoe, which is always a fun experience.

I know that my favorite thing about break is definitely being able to sleep in until noon each day. It was nice to not worry about rushing to finish any assignments and not having to wake up at 6:30 am. Overall, break is a great chance for students to take a breather from the hectic school year and unwind.