Surfin’ PCS

Fountains are springing up everywhere.  To students, they just seem to be, well, kiddie pools.  After all, water was made for drinking and swimming- not “reflecting.”  The reflecting pool shows absolutely no reflective qualities, so students decided to take advantage of its other assets.  From the swim team to the Homecoming queens, the majority of the student body has had a taste of the reflecting pool’s chilly waters.

The Huizenga fountain has also been the setting for photo shoots galore, offering an easy to reach, climbable
landmark.  (The bell-tower is not quite as climbable, but it may be next!) Throughout the history of the world, water attracts people.  Many students seem to believe the administrators should not demand they walk away from their source of life when they’re frolicking in the sun!

The school’s body of water total-up to about 12 by recent count- is soon to reach an all time high! With the
completion of the new courtyard for the high school comes yet another fountain.  Evidently, the architect
planned every path in the quad to lead to the fountain- a prime opportunity for a thousand more videos, photos, and certain important pranks.

Recently, rumor has spread of a petition* to install heaters and jets into this new fountain.  Clearly, Pine Crestians think a jacuzzi in the center of our courtyard would lead to Pine Crest’s title as a fine establishment.  Lunch breaks and OSPs may take on a whole new meaning.  Get your bathing suits ready for a whole new side of 2012.

*Anyone willing to legitimately start this petition, please log on to Student Council’s Facebook page and spread the word.