Post-Holiday Cheer

Winter Break has officially ended and the school season has again kicked off. This means a different kind
of “back to school” – a new semester after quite a long holiday break. Same classes, same teachers, same friends and faculty- the only difference really seems to be the weather.

As the holiday season comes to a close, spirits tend to fall. The relaxing do-nothing feeling of break has
passed. Now it’s time to get back to work- who knew a schedule could be routine and hectic at the same time? At the moment, it seems pretty routinely hectic here at Pine Crest. The lights are being taken down, and the Christmas carols you love to hate and hate to love are officially off the radio. It’s a new year, but it seems that everything’s back to normal.

Don’t fret, there’s still plenty of cheer around PC. Jesus may not be the reason for the season anymore, and
Hannukah Harry may have left, but Pine Crest has by no means stopped celebrating. The return to school this January may not be so dismal after all.

No need to haul out the holly-instead, it’s time for Uggs and Floridian winter apparel, now including jeans
and sweatpants. Everyone was excited to return to school in sweaters, hoodies,gloves, and quite the array of hats ranging from fur ears to ski caps. The teachers don their apparel with zeal as well. Everyone knows it’s that time of year again where Mrs. Freedman can be seen in her bright purple parka.  There might not be snow, or Christmas trees and menorahs, but the cold weather is refreshing and slightly more seasonal than
palm trees wrapped in lights.

It’s also much easier starting school on a Wednesday. A three-day week definitely helps ease us back into the
school week schedule.

The back-to-school assembly gave everyone something to look forward to as well. The so-called rumors have been confirmed, and the beginning of February will include a Sadie Hawkins dance – a Pine Crest first – and another event for the PC community to gear up for, especially those gutsy girls.

Whether it’s the cold air that’s waking you up from break, or the excitement of a new semester full of activity,
break has officially ended and a new kind of season has started up. If that’s not enough to suppress the post-holiday depression, Ski Break isn’t that far off.