Christmas Sweaters: Who Wore it Best?

Who wore it best? (Photo credit: Sammie Spector)

Who wore it best? (Photo credit: Sammie Spector)

Now all that’s left to decide is….who wore the sweater best? While they appeared nearly identical, Mr. Kranstover and Mr. Schwartz both gave the look their own personal flair. While Mr. Kranstover let the sweater speak for itself, sticking to a low-key button-down, Mr. Schwartz dressed up his Wednesday attire.  As Grant Fitzgerald pointed out, “Mr. Schwartz? He always has the best outfits. He has swag.” When Mr. Schwartz was asked about the impending sweater issue, he was ready to compete and defend his sweater. “C’mon, I wore a tie!,” was his standing argument. While Mr. Schwartz felt confident with his accessorizing, some students believed Mr. Kranstover pulled off the sweater (quite literally by the end of the day) with great fashion sense.  Ivy Kilpatrick, a bystander in the Student Union, commented on the overall swankiness of the sweater-wearing. “I think Mr. Kranstover’s pose says it all. And his hair definitely adds to the look.” Meanwhile, fashion guru Rebecca Brody pointed out that Mr. Kranstover’s look was “casual chic.”

One junior, who saw the sweater mayhem first-hand, retold the once-in-a-lifetime event. “Pine Crest students, sleepy-eyed and cold, were shocked out of back-to-school depression as the dapper Mr. Kranstover and ever-fashionable Mr. Schwartz marched into school sporting matching sweaters. However, each brought their own style to the well groomed cashmere: Kranstover with his wavy hair and Schwartz with his devilish