Playlist Live: For All You YouTubers


Fans pour into the gate leading to the Convention Center at Playlist Live. (via (Mariana Paez)

If you’re looking for a place where you can converge with others of similar interests, and where you can meet the people you’ve been watching through a screen ever since you can remember, look no further. Playlist Live is a bi-annual, three-day convention held in Orlando, Florida sometime early in the year (this year it was March 21-24), and in the Tri-State Area later in the year. At this event you can meet fellow fans, supporters, and creators of online videos, otherwise known as YouTubers. Throughout the three days, these YouTubers have meet-ups, events, and shows where you can see them, take pictures with them, and get autographs. These “meet-and-greets” are not only limited to the event, though. Since these Youtube celebrities all stay at the same hotel, the chances of running into them while taking a walk around the venue are high, which is reassuring since most of the meet-ups are hard to get into.

The hotel itself is very spacious, with an Expo Hall, Main Stage, and the rest of the Convention Center. The Expo Hall is the real heart of Playlist, having a variety of activities and shows in which to participate . In addition, you can purchase official YouTuber and Playlist Live merchandise here. You can catch most of your favorite YouTubers at the Main Stage, taking part in discussions, Q&A sessions, and short performances. You can also watch musical performances from some of the more musically-inclined YouTubers.

Around the rest of the Convention Center, meet-ups with YouTubers take place frequently. However, these are extremely hard to get into, since there are a set number of people the security are willing to admit inside. If you do get in, the experience of meeting your favorite YouTuber is unforgettable, and even if you don’t, have no fear, since many of the YouTubers request another meet and greet session to meet all of their fans, if their time slot allows it.

All in all, Playlist Live is definitely an event that you do not want to miss. The experience is amazing and unforgettable; by attending, you meet so many incredible people that you would not have met otherwise. So purchase a ticket for next year; you cannot forget this event.