Seniors, We Give You a Cheer

Members of the Class of 2014 inaugurating the newly-christened Senior Quad. (via: Alana Steinberg)”

“You are all very talented. But I will tell you, I will always remember you as bringing school spirit back and teaching me the lesson of how important it is to have fun during your high school years. So when you and your classmates came to me this year and asked ‘May we have a senior quad?,’ I asked you to pick a place, and you did.  Today, I officially dedicate this, the Senior Quad, for the Class of 2014. I’m so proud of you.”

And with those words, Pine Crest President Dr. Dana Markham cut the green ribbon and officially opened the Senior Quad for the  Class of 2014.

After losing the former Senior Quad to the construction of the new Upper School facilities, seniors of the last several years, especially this year, were eager to claim a space of their own. With the Student Union always being jam-packed and the library being a “no-talk” zone, the Seniors needed a place to relax.

With their plea finally reaching administration this year, the Seniors were overjoyed to have a space of their own. That “space” consists of the area between Egan Library and the Reflecting Pool, scattered with occasional trees, tables, and chairs.  For those hot, sunny days, the tables now have umbrellas to provide some relief from the blazing Florida sun.

The colored chalk declaring the Quad to be for this year’s “SEENYAS” will eventually fade in the last few months that the Class of 2014 has left to claim it as their own. It’s only a matter of time before the rising Class of 2015 moves in, and current junior President Brittany Paris is ready for this transition.

“It’s really nice and it’s a really good opportunity for all of us [rising seniors] next year to be able to relax and even get to bond with each other. Our campus is so beautiful, and I think the umbrellas, tables, and chairs add a really nice touch for our student body. I’m looking forward to [next year] possibly bringing speakers out there and chalk and having a relaxing and fun place for all of us to hang out.”