Graduating from Pine Crest in 1998, Mr. Frank Sobchak is not your typical PC alum, with more stories to tell then the average man. On Friday, October 11th, Sobchak donated his time to speak to the 9th grade Modern World classes about his life in the military.

Photo: Jodie Kahan
At a very young age, Sobchak knew above anything else that he wanted to join the Naval Academy. But after a terrible sailing experience with his father, his dreams were slightly adjusted to something more manageable. Sobchak applied to the Service Academy, and it was not long before his dream was easily turned into a reality.
Soon after, Sobchak was deployed to Kuwait, after Saddam Hussein was expelled as a peacekeeping effort. During his lecture, Sobchak reflected on his service in the Middle East. “A lot of people have a perception that when you’re in war you are in constant combat. That’s not the case at all.” He stood proud telling stories, seemingly unaffected by his time at war. Next for Sobckak was the United State Army Special Forces, which was one of his favorite times working in the military while dealing with cultural skills.
Sobchak spoke with such passion about his adventures, almost making it seem that life in the military is fun and laid back, but do not be mistaken, this is not the case at all. The struggles that Sobchak went through to be where he is today were some of the hardest things he ever had to face. For example, he decided to go to Ranger school, which is a rigorous 61-day combat leadership course, oriented towards small unit tactics. Sobchak would sleep for two hours a night and eat almost nothing for days (He started Ranger School at 170 pounds and graduated at 137 pounds!). In the final phase, he was so tired that he would have to stand up in order to keep from falling asleep!
While he was at Ranger School, Sobchak would often wonder why he was putting himself through all this torture. However, all of his hard work paid off during his “moment of clarity” in Bangladesh. One day during his time there, the people at a Typhoon shelter that he had helped build began throwing flowers at him when he arrived. “They were so thankful,” he said. “We had just saved their lives, and believe me it is the most rewarding feeling in the entire world.”
So, when asked what to take away from his lecture to the Freshman class, Sobchak said, “It’s a cliché, but follow your dreams! Figure out what you want to do, and do it! No matter what obstacles or roadblocks life throws at you, go for it! So many people think you can only do what is practical, like be a lawyer or a doctor. Well, being in the military is hard, and you do not make a lot of money, but boy is it rewarding.” Sobchak concluded his lecture by reminding the PC Freshman to be grateful for what they have. “You don’t realize what a wonderful place this is. Man, you are all so lucky being at a place like this where education is so valued, where all of your class mates are interested, and they care. Well maybe not all, but you get it,” he said laughing, “You don’t appreciate it now, but later you will thank your parents. I would have never gotten to where I am now without Pine Crest.”
If you would like to get in contact with Mr. Sobchak, you can contact him at [email protected].