Point vs. Counterpoint: Should PC Skirts be Banned? No.

Vote Skirts!

Vote Skirts!

The First Amendment was founded on the premise of freedom of expression.  For what seems like centuries (4 years), the notorious pleated skirts have been banned from the Pine Crest dress code.  When asked about the skirts senior, Hunter Barnett said, “The skirts are cute and comfortable,” and many girls agree.  So, despite the occasional threatening e-mail or uniform inspection in the Spanish wing, the skirts have continued to thrive.  While administration argues that they are “inappropriate,” the fact remains that the alternate option is frowned upon by most students.  Not only do they amplify wedgies to such an extreme that it is almost impossible to pay attention in class, but buying new uniforms is expensive.  With the money saved from purchasing new uniforms, students could potentially pool money together to purchase something useful for the school.  In fact, with the amount of warnings and conduct reports sent out for these skirts, if skirts were permitted at the Pine, we could save trees and energy.  Also, skorts are awkward, and I’d really rather not even get started on the pants debacle.  Vote skirts.