Students and Administration Agree: Hoco 2011 a Success

For Pine Crest students Homecoming 2011 was a huge success. Thankfully, the administration holds similar opinions.

In the past, Homecoming was not that spirited, so after several meetings over the summer, new Upper School principal, Mr. Phillips expected one thing and hoped for another. He expected that some people would enjoy Homecoming, but thought some people may not engage in the events. His hope was that everyone would participate and be very spirited. And, thanks to dedication of PC Student Council, Homecoming 2011 was a success. Mr. Phillips said, “I thought it was a great time for people to show how proud they were of Pine Crest and to show their school spirit.”

Another first year administrator, Mr. Kranstover, also heard about the many issues and problems with the quads in years past. He hoped that there would not be those same issues, especially with the great new Upper School building.  Mr. Kranstover knew how well Homecoming was organized and scheduled this year. He thought that with such careful organization it would turn out well, and he was right.  As for next year, Mr. Kranstover suggests that “it would be wonderful to see a week that is planned to incorporate and include the alumni.” Mr. Kranstover hopes alumni will be more included in future Homecoming activities.

Veteran administrator, Mr. Clark, was also very pleased with Homecoming week and felt that it was much more spirited than in previous years.  Mr. Clark said he was “pleasantly surprised.”

In the Student Council’s opinion, Homecoming went very well and can only improve from here.