Exam Week Blues

Studying by the pool is a good way to stay focused!

Studying by the pool is a good way to stay focused!

With the end of the year fast approaching, and the temperature dutifully rising, many Pine Crest students are finding that staying in the school-year mindset is especially difficult. Aside from the obvious case of senioritis that has plagued the upperclassmen since first semester, many underclassmen are finding it equally difficult to focus. The clash between end-of-the-year exams and beginning-of-the-summer nonchalance has become even more of a struggle with music festivals and beach days taking away from essential study time. Even subtle changes at the Pine such as the bright pink and orange popsicles, a new student store favorite seen frequently around campus, add to the summery atmosphere. As we enter AP exams week, it’s important to buckle down and prepare for the oncoming onslaught of assessments.

Consequently, some students have adopted a proactive stance on studying to combat this problem. “I stay focused by making a schedule for my week,” said junior Alana Steinberg. “Over the weekends, I look ahead at what I have to do and allocate it for each day so that I don’t get overwhelmed.”  Some students even take advantage of nice weather outside by spending time studying outdoors, bringing along AP review books as poolside companions. To encourage students to finish off the year strong, Pine Crest has even instated some new policies. For example, this year, students will not be allowed to attend Prom without completing their community service requirements.  Ultimately, though, this just adds another layer of responsibility to school-weary students.

Nonetheless, ending the year on a strong note not only makes the summer more enjoyable and rewarding, it also ensures a good GPA. As sophomore Lindsay Sack said on end-of-year studying, “I guess think of how close the end of the year is and push through.”

In the midst of the upcoming weeks of intense cramming and tanning sessions punctuated only by the draining of a highlighter, it’s important to keep in mind how good it will feel to finally walk off campus for the last time this year. In order to truly leave behind the school year and start enjoying summer, staying focused now on school must be a priority.