Model Congress Trips

This year, Model Congress hosted three trips in different areas of the world: San Francisco, CA, Boston, MA, and Germany. These trips include three days of conferences where each student is assigned a role as a Democrat or Republican from various states in the U.S. Students are then given a committee in which they work with other students from different states with the aim of creating and passing a bill. This bill, which in a real legislature could turn into a law, is produced to respond to issues assigned to the committee that are worthy of attention in today’s world.

Recently, the most popular trip, HMCSF, Harvard Model Congress San Francisco, took place. The teachers supervising were Mr. Gratwick, Mr. Friedman, from the Social Sciences Department, and Mrs. Santarelli, from the Science Department. Lilly Weiss ‘23 attended this particular conference as a freshman and now returns as a senior. Due to the unfortunate circumstances of COVID-19, Lilly was not able to physically attend the conference her junior year, so she participated virtually. As time went on, she continued to learn more and noticed important details during her conferences on the trip.

 “HMCSF has taught me how to conduct better research and discover more credible sources when looking at political issues,” says Weiss. “It also taught me how to look at a topic from different political sides rather than just looking at it from a democrat or republican perspective.”  

Model Congress has done an amazing job teaching participants about current events and creating lasting bonds with students all around the world.