Campus Store: Expanding to Lower School
A look at the new Campus Store location (via Liza Goldstone)
The Campus Store first opened its doors in 2012, with the goal of providing Pine Crest Panthers a line of spiritwear. At the forefront of its startup was Marci Danzansky and Lisa Goldberg, among others who worked on this operation. Both Ms. Danzansky and Ms. Goldberg are mothers Pine Crest graduates. However, both of these mothers decided to take on a larger role within the Pine Crest community as influencers of PC fashion.
At the time when Assistant Head of Upper School Mr. Pierson was a coach for the baseball team, Ms. Goldberg worked with him to create the team’s uniforms. Mr. Pierson explained how “Lisa had a magnificent eye for fashion even when it came to designing uniforms.” Ms. Goldberg used these skills to help design the clothing featured in the Campus Store, where students and faculty are eager to purchase sweaters and hoodies. “I love how soft the inside of my sweater is,” stated Jessica Nedry ‘20, gesturing to her favorite Pine Crest apparel.
In an effort to expand beyond the Upper School, Pine Crest opened an additional Campus Store branch in the Lower School this year. Almost three times the size of the Upper School store, this new store offers more than just spirit clothing. Similar to stores on college campuses, the new store sells everything from PC lanyards to keychains and belts. “I love it because of the wide selection,” stated Rhea Jain ‘20. For the convenience of students, calculators and other school supplies can also be purchased there.
Located adjacent to the main parking garage, this store was opened specifically for the convenience of families, faculty, and students who park there every day. According to Mr. Pierson, the location is most convenient for Lower School families, who can easily pass by and purchase a t-shirt on their way on or off campus.
Since its foundation, the Campus Store has functioned as an accessible location for Pine Crest students and families to purchase trendy spirit apparel. The appreciation students have for this unique store is evident through the amount of students wearing Campus Store sweatshirts and jackets around Pine Crest with pride.