A Look at the New Student Union
The redesigned Student Union boasts a variety of food options and will soon have new seating.
Over the summer, the Pine Crest campus went under several renovations. One of the most popular places on campus, the Student Union, was included in this update. There is an increased number of options for students and faculty to enjoy during their free periods, and even more exciting things to come in the future from the Student Union.
Flik Dining now offers a wide variety of food in the café. New appliances were installed, such as pizza ovens and blenders, and there are larger coolers for beverages, such as still and sparkling water, as well as assorted fruit juices. The café expanded so that counters filled with chips and protein bars surround the area where the line forms. Overall, students are thrilled to have these new options in the cafe, and the seniors are especially excited to be a part of this renovation as they start their final year at Pine Crest.
Senior Ilana Hutzler said, “The selection of food in the Union is great. I love that there are so many new options, while at the same time keeping some old favorites, like the cookies.”
Aside from the café, there are many other changes that have been made to the Student Union. For instance, it is now open to visitors, rather than just PC students which is the way it has been in years past. Also, the Union is now open until 6 p.m., which gives students and faculty more time to spend there in the afternoon.
One thing students can look forward to is the new furniture that is set to arrive soon. It was picked by students and designed to maximize space in the union. Mary Ellen State manages the cafe and has explained that the redesign of the Union’s layout will give students more room to eat and socialize.
Junior Sam Salem said, “I am excited to see the new seating when it arrives. The Union has always been one of my favorite spots on campus, and now even more so because of all the new options we have compared to last year.”
It is certainly an exciting time to stop by the redesigned Student Union and explore the new food options from the café. Students should also stay tuned for a surprise in the future from the Union.