Staff Spotlight: Ms. Rice

The new Mrs. Ganden poses with her now husband Ian and baby James.
Newlywed, Mrs. Ganden, better known to students as Ms. Rice, sat down with Type One to share some of the details from her recent wedding. Even though she planned it entirely over last summer, Ms. Rice was completely prepared for the exciting day. When asked about her priorities for the wedding, she said,
“I wanted it to be simple, I didn’t really have specific things I was looking for, it’s just kind of what felt right.”
She also stressed how Pinterest became her best friend during this time and helped her come up with creative ideas and find decorations.
Ms. Rice is definitely a favorite amongst students, many of which became extremely invested in her wedding. The whiteboard in her classroom was adorned with “Happy Wedding Week” messages and students were on their best behavior to keep stress low for the bride-to-be. Unfortunately, the actual wedding day was anything but stress-free. Ms. Rice ran into some malfunctions when the officiant could not make it on time and she was faced with improvising. As a solution, the lead singer of the band happened to be licensed and stepped in. After a slight panic, everything worked out and the ceremony was able to continue. When asked about her favorite part of the day, she said
“The best part about the wedding was being able to celebrate with Ian and James, our first time as an official family.”
Congratulations, Mrs. Ganden!