PC Clubs Taking Actions
Students of Model Congress during their Boston trip.
Harvard Model Congress Trip
Last week, the Model Congress Club traveled to Boston, Massachusetts, for four days, during which they competed against schools from across the country. The members of the club made it their goal to pass a bill through Congress on an issue of their choosing, creating a fascinating simulation of the real United States Congress. Says club member and freshman Julia Aronberg, “The trip was very interesting because it really showed me what Congress would be like, and it was a really good learning experience.” Not only does this club educate and inspire young students to seek a future political career, it also equips them with essential skills in public speaking and quick decision making. “The most rewarding part of the club for me is to see the growth that occurs from year to year,” explained Mr. Gratwick, the sponsor of the Harvard Model Congress trip.
Environmental Action Club
Ms. Vatland and a small group of students from the Environmental Action Club went to a local Fort Lauderdale beach last Sunday to pick up trash from 9 a.m. to noon. The cleanup team covered about two miles of the beach and collected several large garbage bags of trash, consisting mostly of plastic straws and cigarette butts. “I think that the students that came out really saw how much garbage was out there…I know that when we came back and put everything into the trash bag, the students said that they couldn’t believe how many cigarette butts and straws there were,” stated Ms. Vatland, the sponsor of the club. The Environmental Action Club looks forward to continuing to help our local beaches prosper by organizing future cleanups on a larger scale.