Bombs Sent to Prominent Democrats
Broward County Sheriff’s Office via Wikimedia Commons
Cesar Altieri Sayoc, the perpetrator of the democratic pipe bombs, poses for a 2015 mug shot (via Broward County Sheriff’s Office, Wikimedia Commons).
Throughout the week of October 19, 14 pipe bombs were sent to several prominent Democratic figures including former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and actor Robert De Niro. Each of these packages also displayed a misspelled return address to Weston Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
The perpetrator of the mailings has been revealed as Cesar Altieri Sayoc, a resident of Aventura, Fla., less than 30 minutes south of Pine Crest School.
“While it’s very scary that the bombs were rooted so close to home, I’m not even surprised due to all the violence prevalent in our country today,” senior Henry Pliske said.
When Sayoc, a registered Republican, was arrested, he was found with a Donald Trump and Mike Pence sticker-clad van. Though the President said he does not correlate his right-wing political views with the event, some citizens disagree.
“The actions of this bomber speak to our political climate today,” senior Bianca Simons said. “Due to the recent election, our country has become so polarized to the point where people are literally sending bombs to the doors of respected political leaders. The nation as a whole must take more action to establish unity in our country; otherwise, the growing turmoil will drag us down as a global power.”
Sources: The New York Times, AM New York