Sing for the Boys, Sing for the Girls, Sing for the State!

Every year, a few fortunate Pine Crest Chorus Singers travel to Tampa, Florida to sing for the All State Chorus.  This is a privilege and honor, and Pine Crest fortunately is able to send many highly qualified students every year.  What some people don’t know is that the process to get into such a high-ranked choir is very rigorous.  Just like Olympic and sporting events, there are many rounds to this competition.  First, the students who would like to participate take a music theory exam.  The twelve students scoring the highest grade advance into the next round.  But folks, it doesn’t end there.  The next step on the journey is a most challenging one.  These select students must take another music theory test, and if they pass that, they will qualify to take a sight reading test.  Out of the few who make it through this round, some are directly chosen to be part of the All State Chorus, and others must learn the provided music and go through another round of judging.  Long story short, it isn’t as easy as it looks.  We wish these students the best of luck in the All State Chorus competition.