Boys Varsity Football

Boys Varsity Football

The Boy’s Varsity Football season has officially begun. This year’s coaches are head coach, Coach Pletcher, defensive coordinator, Coach Burton, and offensive coordinator, Coach Hibbs. These coaches have been training the boys hard since the summer. They were pumped for their first game, which took place on August 25 against Benjamin High School. Unfortunately, the boys lost this game with a final score of 7-32.

Their second game of the season was on September 2 against Fort Lauderdale High. This game had a great turn out with tons of high school students piled in the stands to support their Panthers along with the PC cheerleaders. In the beginning of the game, Fort Lauderdale High was leading with a few touchdowns over PC. The Panthers didn’t give up though. They continued to persevere earning them a tied score of 32-32 just after half time. Unfortunately, Fort Lauderdale High ended up scoring the next touchdown, and ultimately defeat the Panthers with a final score of 35-62.

Although the Panthers lost, they did not let that affect the next games to come. Their next game was against Coral Springs Charter on September 9. Many PC students came out to support this game wearing white attire to support the “white out” theme of the night. Sadly, due to the lightning alarm going off with three minutes to go before half time, the game was cut short. The Panthers earned their first victory ending with a score of 28-7!

Following this great win, the Panthers played Immaculata- LaSalle High School on September 16 winning with a score of 24-19.

In addition to the player’s great sportsmanship and athletic ability, I asked football player Matt Bodner what he thought about the team’s relationship. He responded, “We’re a family, the coaches look out for us, and we look out for each other.”

the Panthers lost their next few games, but that hasn’t effected their drive.  With two wins and five losses, the season could still take them anywhere. Everyone should come out and support the PC Varsity Football Team. GO PANTHERS!