Welcome to Kone’s Corner
Welcome to Kone’s Corner.
Hi. My name is Nicole Kone and somehow you have made it to my blog. First, no one calls me “Nicole;” most people call me Nikki. Oh, and welcome to Kone’s Corner. You may ask, “What could she possibly have to say?” Well, anyone who knows me in person can tell you I always have plenty to talk about. I will be writing about twice a month about anything from current events to longstanding traditions, or anything I feel is worthy of being written about. As this is just an intro to my blog, it will not be as lengthy as a typical post; I wanted to write a little bit about myself.
I have been going to Pine Crest since Kindergarten. That means I have been at this school longer than some freshmen have been alive. I started off on the Boca Campus; I knew every hallway, most teachers, and even which water fountain had the coldest water. Then, in my freshman year, I made the common transition to the Fort Lauderdale Campus. I had to recognize where I was going to fit in a new environment; PCFL taught me who I am as an individual. Over the past four years, PCFL has become my school. The memories I have made here, with old and new friends, are the best that I have. This year is my senior year, my final days at PC. While it is sad to think of leaving PC, I am anxious to see where all of my friends decide to take their next step. For this reason, I will write about events going on at school; this blog will sometimes act as a form of preservation for me.
Also, I am politically active. I will be writing about politics. Before anyone freaks out, I will try to present my opinions in a way that is not demonizing to either party. Although, it is nearly impossible to keep bias out of blogging. I have strong opinions, but I also want to present current events in a fair way. But, in order to showcase political events, my opinion will inevitably be apparent.
I am still not completely sure what I am going to be writing about, but I am going to try my best to keep this blog interesting. My blog is not going to be all political, or all current events, or all anything. It is going to be a combination of the things I find exciting and the events I feel deserve to be written about. As a side note, this blog was originally going to be called “Hot Take,” as my opinions are not always the social norm. I look forward to writing and for everyone to be able to read what I have been thinking. I hope none of this sounded too cheesy or cliché- I am really not like that (unless you have seen my Instagram captions). Anyway, this is going to be a great year and I hope you decide to stop by Kone’s Corner again.