Hungrily Awaited Student Union Café Arrives

Hungrily Awaited Student Union Café Arrives

Bagels, French pastries, and coffee cakes filled the top counter of the café in the Student Union when it opened for the first time on Monday morning September 19th. As students waited on line to buy coffee and different foods, many were excited by this new opportunity that provides an alternative to getting snacks at the student store. “The bagel that I had from the café was so good,” reported senior Ali Finkelstein, “I’m definitely going to take advantage of the café throughout the year.”

Since the café just opened, the hours and the contents of its menu remain tentative. Also, once the lunch items of the café (such as sandwiches and wraps) become available, who knows how popular the food items will be and how the dynamics of eating at the cafeteria will change. “We’re going to start slow,” commented Mr. Kranstover, “We’ll take into account what students are buying and when they are buying it in order to determine what will be sold in the café and the hours that the café is open. We’ll certainly be open for suggestions.”

Similar to the student store, the café will charge to the student store account. However, unlike the student store, the café will serve the students, faculty, and parents on campus. Once construction outside the new building finishes, there will be places to sit outside and enjoy the café.

While this unique opportunity of having a café at a high school has presented itself to Pine Crest School, everyone will be able to benefit from it by either being able to buy lunch or even dinner from the café. The sky is the limit for the future of the café. However, one thing remains clear: no gum will be sold at the café.