“When girls avoid early marriage and pregnancy, and gain critical life skills, they can build a foundation for a better life for themselves, their families, and their societies.” –United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
In 2010, Girl Up, a campaign of the United Nations Foundation was formed. Girl Up’s goal is to mobilize teens across the United States to channel their energy and compassion into raising awareness and funds for the world’s hardest-to-reach adolescent girls in developing countries. The campaign supports UN programs that help ensure that girls are educated, safe, healthy, counted, and positioned to be the next generation of leaders. Visit GirlUp.org for more information!
When I heard that I was chosen, along with 15 other incredible American teenage girls, to serve as a Teen Adviser for the Girl Up Campaign this year, I was utterly ecstatic. To be able to interact with other amazing Girl Up supporters, and represent the campaign as a teen girl in the United States, has been one of the best experiences of my life.
On October 11th (the first International Day of the Girl) I flew to New York for my first in-person meeting with these 15 extraordinary teen advocates and the rest of the Girl Up team. Although I had received a detailed agenda of how our weekend was going to play out, I did not know exactly what to expect.
As soon as I met the girls, we had an undeniable, instantaneous connection due to our extreme passion in helping girls around the globe. Throughout the seemingly short four days, I heard from incredibly acclaimed speakers—including UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, met Girl Up supporters from across the country, took a tour of the UN, and galvanized my hunger to create global equality for girls and women even more so than ever before.
Taking a tour of the United Nations Headquarters was undeniably one of my highlights. It was unbelievable to witness the tremendous hard work that goes into creating a better, more peaceful world everyday. I was also able spot some Girl Up’s objectives portrayed in the Millennium Development Goals! The Teen Advisers were further educated on the work of the United Nations and even had the chance to enter the General Assembly Hall and the Security Council Chamber.
Aside from the tour, one of my other high points was the Girls Night Out Reception, where I was able to interact with supporters of Girl Up and other organizations with similar viewpoints and ambitions. We shared our perspectives and positions on different issues and united together to help change the world. In addition, Girl Up Champion Monique Coleman shared her remarkable story of how her life took several unexpected twists and turns between her evolution from High School Musical to her own non-profit, Gimme Mo.
Although these occasions were truly life changing, my favorite part of the overall experience was the workshops at the UNF office. The genuinely exceptional Girl Up staff provided the Teen Advisers with the right insights to media, fundraising, and advocacy so that we can go home and spread our extraordinary knowledge throughout our schools and communities. In this way, we can unite together and make a difference for adolescent girls, their families, and their communities across the globe.