Top 5 of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is truly an amazing holiday.  From food to football to family, Thanksgiving is the one holiday that has it all.  Thanksgiving is a one of a kind day that encompasses every aspect of family life.  Many families struggle to spend time together as families, but on this special night, the entire family comes from far and near to get together and eat a delicious meal.

Without further ado, here are the top 5 things about Thanksgiving.

  1. Football: All day, you can watch some good old-fashioned American Football.  Change the channel to ESPN for a 3 game 12-hour event of nonstop football.  What could be better?
  2. Food: The next best thing is the food. It is a somewhat unknown fact that calories simply do not count on Thanksgiving. Which is good, considering Thanksgiving encompasses one of the biggest meals of the year filled with desserts, turkey, and more.
  3. Family: Most families are so busy that it is hard to get a nightly family dinner. The great thing about Thanksgiving is that family members from your crazy grand uncle to your smothering aunt will come in from all over the country to have a great dinnertime together as a family.
  4. Thanksgiving also serves as a reality check.  It is only day out of the year specifically meant for everyone to remember how lucky and fortunate we are; Thanksgiving reminds everyone to be thankful for whatever we may have as there are many others with much, much less.
  5. It has to be repeated twice.  Another great thing about Thanksgiving is the TURKEY! Nothing brings a family together like eating an entire 12-pound turkey in one night with the ones you love.