Election 2012

President Obama and his family in Chicago, Illinois the night of his reelection.

President Obama and his family in Chicago, Illinois the night of his reelection.

On November 6th, the 2012 United States Presidential Election took place.  Citizens from all around the nation made their voice heard by voting for the presidency.  Ultimately, President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden of the Democratic Party won reelection against Governor Mitt Romney and Congressman Paul Ryan of the Republican Party.  After months and months of competitive and at times nasty campaigning, America has chosen its commander-in-chief for the next four years.  With a weak economy, this election was one of the most important in our nation’s great history.  Three Presidential debates and a Vice-Presidential debate gave the candidates an opportunity to persuade America their qualifications and actions as our leader.  On November 6th, each candidate needed 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.  President Obama was able to win key battle ground states Ohio, Florida and Virginia to seal his reelection.

There are many conclusions to draw from the recent presidential election.  Exit polls have indicated that President Obama won among women, non-white voters and young voters.  The reality is that America is becoming a more diverse and accepting place.  This trend is beneficial to the Democratic Party and may harm the long-term future of the Republican Party.  Some of the members of the right wing tea party have even suggested that the reason Mitt Romney lost was because he was too liberal.  When analyzing the direction America is moving, these ideas are irrational.  Imagine what would have happened if Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich was the Republican nominee.  While remarks regarding abortion by Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin do not represent the entire Republican Party, they leave an extremely negative connotation to female voters.  It is up to the members of the Republican Party to move toward the center and make compromises in order to maintain stability in their party as well as America’s political system.  But due to the increasing number of Hispanic, African-American and Asian-American voters as well as their advantage with women, Democrats may have a significant advantage moving forward if Republicans do not act quickly.

In addition to President Obama’s reelection, there are several other nationally important results from November 6th.  Democrats have maintained control of the Senate with 53 seats compared to 45 for Republicans.  Also, the House of Representative still remains in control of the Republicans with 232 seats to 191 for Democrats.  So, our President as well as majority control of the Senate, and the House will stay the same for four more years.  However, the pressure is at its highest for the President.  It is essential that Democrats and Republicans work together in order to restore America.  The long process of the Presidential Election has taken priority lately.  But now it is time for the President as well as the newly formed Congress to get back to work for our nation.