We’ve Got [the] Spirit [Stick], Yes We Do. We’ve Got [the] Spirit [Stick], How ‘Bout You?

Nicole Swords

Class of 2015 with OUR Spirit Stick

You know you couldn’t forget us.

Not from last year.

How could you not? With our oh-so-fresh shirts, you could spot a member of the Class of 2015 from a mile away. (Well, maybe just from West Campus.)

We endured the typical freshman ragging, putting up with all of the class of 2012’s antics–water balloons, silly string, and the ruining of our wing. But we made it through it all and managed to still enjoy our first homecoming as eager, wide-eyed “freshies” that were heartbroken over losing the spirit stick.

Last year, we came and we saw.

This year, we conquered.

With only two days of homecoming this year, we had to do something big.

Day 1. Swarming the campus in a lovely shade of yellow, you still couldn’t ignore us, no matter how hard you tried. And then came lovely Powder Puff. You seniors thought you could overshadow us by winning, but no. We stole the show with a little help from Santa’s Helpers. Don’t deny that you didn’t want it. Shout-out to Santa himself, for looking great that afternoon.

Day 2. And we were still going HAM. Going all out in PC green and white, we really showed off our panther pride. We rocked canstruction with our clever 2015 design, and cheered on other classes as we showed our love of helping out the community. Entering the pep rally, we knew it was all a matter of moments before we’d taste sweet, sweet victory. Louder and louder, crazier and crazier, cheering on each of our own as they competed in the “Minute to Win It” events. In the final moments before the winner of the spirit stick was announced, we didn’t even bother crossing our fingers. We knew it was ours.

The minute Alyssa apologized to her fellow seniors, it was over.

And it will continue to be ours. Until 2016. You might as well just stop trying.

Sorry Seniors!