Powderpuff Football: An Upperclassmen Rivalry

The refs were ready, the teams were prepared for battle, and the stands were packed.  This could only mean that it was time for the 2012 Powder-Puff Football game!  Powder-Puff Football goes way back.  Traditionally, it is a role switch, as the football players take a step back and coach the ladies.  The girls have the opportunity to show off their athletic skills in front of a huge, Homecoming crowd.   After months of training and preparation for the big game, both teams were ready to go.

Here at the Pine, Powder-Puff is a rivalry game–a showdown between the Seniors and the Juniors.  Year after year, the Juniors are always the underdogs, and rightfully so because the usual outcome is a win for the Seniors.  This year was not any different.  Carli Marsh led the Seniors with multiple touchdowns, both through the air and on the ground.  The Senior offense was unstoppable, as “the option play” was a consistent success throughout the game.  On the other hand, the Junior offense struggled throughout the entire game, as it was held to only a few first downs by the tremendous Senior defense.  The big win for the Senior girls was a monumental victory, especially for the dominant defense.

As the game came to a close, you could hear the crowd erupting, “Seniors! Seniors! Seniors!”  Each year when the Seniors win, it is almost as if they are passing down the torch to the Juniors,who will be favored to win the following year when they are Seniors.

Congratulations to the Seniors on the huge win, and good luck next year to the Juniors!