WhatShouldWeCallPC Tumblr! Official Interview

Sent at 7:13 PM on Sunday 

Sammie:  Hey guys!

PC Blog:  Hi Sammie!

Sammie:  So, we’ve found the masterminds behind the tumblr blog that’s so popular at PC!

Or atleast their gmail account!

PC Blog AH, OUR SECRET’S OUT! We hope our identities are still secrets.

Sammie:  I think so… no one really knows who is running the blog. But I think that adds to the excitement.

PC Blog We are glad it’s kept a secret! We love hearing the gossip about who is running it; it really does make the whole process so much more fun.

Sammie:  So, when you’re in the lunch line or bathroom, you hear people talking about it? That seems pretty cool.

PC Blog Yeah! Some of the funniest rumors are people guessing who we are, and they’re never right.

Sammie:  That’s hysterical- can you tell us about some of the alleged rumors?

PC Blog We love hearing people guess who it is. Everyone thinks that they’re detectives, trying to piece together our posts to figure out all of the activities we participate in. I’ve heard things from Senior girl who dances in the ballet to Sophomore boy who is taking things he’s heard from other people.

Sammie:  Hahaha quite the variety! Has anyone guessed right so far?

PC Blog A few people have said, “Wait, is it you? It’s totally you.” But we’ve only told a select few if they’re right.

Sammie:  That’s smart then, considering how long it’s been kept a secret.

Are you guys a group or one mastermind?

PC Blog It’s a group of us. Two of us are the main bloggers, but we do get a significant amount of our ideas from some friends.

Sammie:  And lots of submissions?

PC Blog We’ve gotten a significant amount of submissions. A lot of them have given us other ideas, but we have posted a few directly.

Sammie:  Do you edit based on content? It seems like the jokes are pretty mild and not meant to offend.

PC Blog When we started this blog, we definitely knew we wanted it to be something relate-able and funny, not something controversial and hurtful. We have tried our hardest to avoid making fun of any one person, and we have definitely had to edit out submissions that were blatantly making fun of people.

Sammie:  Good plan, less reason to shut you down. Do you think administration knows (yet)?

PC Blog Yes, they definitely do, but so far they haven’t done or said anything to us. I don’t think they mind- nothing we’re saying is bad!

Sammie:  True! If that’s the case, why do you keep your identities a secret? Do you think there will be any sort of repercussions?

PC Blog We originally decided to keep our identities a secret because we didn’t want to get in trouble, but now it’s just for fun!

Sammie:  The mystery definitely adds to the buzz. Do you think you’ve covered up all possible tracks, or maybe just paranoid about people finding out?

PC Blog We think some of the posts camouflage who we are pretty well, but you might catch some of us in certain posts.

Sammie:  …any clues? I’ve only caught one I’m pretty sure.

PC Blog Some of the things that we have posted have nothing to do with us, just some things that we’ve heard from other people that we’ve used to cover up our tracks.

Sammie: I see. Smart to get inspiration from elsewhere- you seem to cover a lot of topics that makes everything very relate-able.

PC Blog We try!

Sammie:  So you got the idea from whatshouldwecallme, that has basically a similar style.

PC Blog Yup! That’s where we got our ideas. We’ve been following several of the wswcm spin off blogs that have given us gifs, ideas, and inspiration.

Sammie:  Why did you decide to apply it to Pine Crest specifically?

PC Blog The spinoff blogs usually have specific topics, so when were reading them over the summer, we both thought it would be hilarious if there was a PC one. When we discovered that no one had made one yet, we took matters into our own hands.

Sammie:  Was it pretty easy to set up? How’d you spread the word? It seems like your following includes the entire high school now!

PC Blog Yeah, it was easy to set up. We sent the blog to a few friends and let them pass it on to other friends. We knew that if we were too pushy, people would know that it was us, so we let things take their natural course. It really blew up when someone posted it on the StuCo FB page.

Sammie:  It seems like you’ve really thought out everything!  Did you take awhile to figure out how you were going to do this, work around officially aligning yourselves with PC, etc. or  just jumped right into the idea?

PC Blog We really did jump into it. Although, we did plan over the summer, saving gifs that we thought we could use, but we didn’t know when we were going to start. At the Honor Assembly, we were hit with the “Slaying the Cheating Dragon” idea, and that’s how we really got the ball rolling on the blog.

Sammie:  Shoutout to Jessica Pancer for providing comic relief! So going with the flow seems to be your mantra. Have you been thrown any curveballs yet?

PC Blog We have definitely had nights with little inspiration, so we try not to post when that happens. We want to keep the blog fresh and funny, so quality control is imperative. Other than that, no real curveballs.

Sammie:  That’s great! So, you post sporadically instead of on any type of schedule?

PC Blog Originally, we wanted to post a few every day, but we have learned that that is really not possible. So yes- sporadically (Good SAT word! Way to use that PC education!)

Sammie:  I try ;P

Sounds like a good plan you’ve got worked out. Do foresee adding anything, changing anything, new ideas for the blog or keeping the same format that seems to work?

PC Blog So far we plan on keeping it this way, but we never know what’s going to happen.

Sammie:  How long do you think you’ll keep it running?

PC Blog Until we burn out or something happens that makes us stop.

Sammie:  Sounds like a plan. Congrats on your popularity and standing strong!

PC Blog:  Thank you!

Sammie:  So anything else I, and the rest of PC (or whoever reads the newspaper) should know about your endeavors?

PC Blog We’re really not the typical tumblr (or funny for that matter) type of people that you would expect to run this blog, and we did struggle at first, but now we’re really enjoying making you all laugh and wonder!

Sammie:  Hahaha, so for not being the “funny” type of people, you’re doing pretty well. So do you feel like different people (elusive, hilarious tumblr bloggers!) now that you’ve taken this on?

PC Blog Of course! We love even more hearing senior guys think we’re hilarious, too (haha)! Sometimes it’s pretty hard to hold back our identity, but now we’re just waiting for the right time to reveal ourselves!

Sammie:  Better be a big event when you do! How do you think people will react when finding out who you really are?

PC Blog We doubt that they’ll believe us. We’ll definitely have some proving to do.

Sammie:  That’s even better! Thanks for everything guys, everyone’s rooting for you!

PC Blog Thanks so much Sammie! Great talking to you