Sleeping Beauty- A Ballet

The whole campus knows what a tight knit community the dance department is. Most of this bonding (and hard work) happens during the rehearsals and performances of the annual ballet performance. This year, the ballet will be Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty. Starring in some of the lead roles are seniors Juliana Roger and Emily Slatkow (as Aurora, the sleeping beauty), Stephanie Rosner and Rebecca Brody (as Lilac Fairy, the “good fairy”), and Savannah Kennelly and Ivy Kilpatrick (as Carabosse, the “evil fairy”).

The dancers work long hours- typically 9:00am- 5:00pm on any given Saturday, but their hard work always pays off. As junior Laura Rivas says, “We’re not always sure how the show is going to work out, but under the stage lights and with butterflies in our stomachs, it always seems to come together flawlessly. Nothing beats being part of such an amazing show!” Performances this year will be the weekend of November 9th. November 9th’s show will be at 7:00pm, and the 10th and 11th will have performances at 2:00pm, all in Stacy Auditorium.

The show is sure to be truly magical, with fairies, princes, and princesses galore! You’ll even get to catch a glimpse of some of your other favorite characters- like Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, and Jack be Nimble- as they waltz through Aurora’s wedding. Complete with dozens of tutus and professional sets, the quality of Sleeping Beauty is sure to be quite high caliber.  As “Aurora,”  Juliana Roger says, “I am so excited about this year’s performance! Everyone has been working hard and the enthusiasm is at an all time high. I know it’s going to be a great show and I encourage everyone to come out and see it!”