The Class of 2013 Has Arrived

The class of 2013 has officially arrived. Underclassmen may see seniors with a little swagger added to their step and with their chests puffed out just a little more. This feeling of power naturally comes with the fact that after four very long years of getting cut at the student store line, the only thing between the class of 2013 and a cookie is a nice chat with Mary-Ellen. No longer are we stared down by the seniors sitting in those comfy green chairs at the library’s entrance as we make our way to the cold, wooden seats in the back; no longer are we the envious witnesses of seniors returning from off campus lunches; no longer are we forced to sit out ninth period in the library as seniors simply leave early to enjoy the rest of their day. A survey of Seniors compiled their favorite privileges such as:

1. Cutting underclassmen in the line to the student store

2. Going off campus for lunch

3. Signing out and leaving school early

4. Attending Grad Bash

5. Senior Prom

6. Senior Skip Day

7. No exams second semester

8. Getting the comfy chairs at the library’s entrance

9. Getting the good parking spots

10. Organizing the Senior prank (which will, of course, have something to do with the reflecting pool)

However despite all that comes with senior year, it was not too long ago we were wide-eyed and nervous freshmen. We ask ourselves, “Were we really that short?”  and “Was my backpack really that big?” As seniors, we too have experienced the long plummet from Kings of the middle school to the lowest rung on the high school ladder. The senior class thought it might be nice to give a few tips for their freshmen counterparts to help them get through the years:

1. Allow yourself to get cut  in line

2. Try not to worry about what college you’re going to go to already

3. Bring a cushion for those hard, wooden chairs at the back of the library

4. Don’t leave studying for exams until the last minute

5. Use a planner, and color-coordinating highlighters

6. Get one of those fancy calculators that will solve everything for you

7. Wait at least fifteen seconds before putting your feet back up after Ms. D tells you to put them down

8. Don’t worry about the amount of AP classes you’re in

9. Don’t feed the cheating dragon

10. If you try and smuggle food into the library, remember to bring extra to pay off Coach Dyer