Elections 2012

Elections 2012

It”s that time of year again and no, I’m not talking about the beginning of school. Once every four years, Americans everywhere are getting ready to make an enormous decision: choosing the next leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world. This particular presidential election is going be especially huge, due to issues such as a flailing economy that never seems to fully heal, and healthcare, including women’s rights. On one hand is the incumbent President Barack Obama, a man whose past experience will be an enormous boost to his campaign. In the opposition is Mitt Romney, a businessman turned politician boasting of his money making skills .

The split between the major parties is enormous and whoever wins will change American political dynamics significantly. A Republican victory will shrink the size of the government and focus more on a laissez-faire government style, while a Democratic victory will focus on fixing social issues, including gay rights, abortion, etc.

Despite their polarizing differences, many students still don’t know much about the candidates. According to a Gallup poll, young voter turnout is barely 50%, down from 80% eight years ago. In high schools especially, including Pine Crest, kids are just more interested in the latest iPhone release than in a government change that they believe will have little affect on their lives. But it’s important for students to become interested in politics and in the election issues because these are the people who will become politicians and lawmakers in the future. Choosing a presidential candidate is the first step in becoming a true American citizen. To help decide and understand more on the candidates and issues at hand, students turn to isidewith.com for personalized information.

Obama believes in increased government spending to boost economy, abortion, gay rights, and Obamacare (healthcare for all Americans). Romney believes in seemingly the exact opposite: against government spending, abortion, gay rights and Obamacare. Romney also plans to use the American military more aggressively to assert American values around the world. Romney, however, is facing an uphill battle. Defeating an incumbent is always difficult. In addition, neither Romney nor his vice president has any foreign policy experience. Also, his time spent as the Massachusetts governor shows his shiftiness as a politician. Critics cite his support of the Massachusetts health care bill as proof of his changing views. Obama, on the other hand, is being attacked by Republicans saying he has done nothing to help the economy from the 2008 economic collapse. Either way, the 2012 election is going to be divisive, splitting Americans into choosing between two extreme candidates.

Take your pick or if you’re still unsure on your stance or need more help distinguishing the issues and candidates; try isidewith.com. It’s a good website for kids to figure out which candidate fits their views. You’ll get the chance to vote soon enough and choose for yourself who you think is best to lead America. As the elections heat up with debates coming soon, stay tuned to the news and keep on checking Type One.