Things We Love Thursday!!

1) Blueberry muffins

2) “Norgaard” by The Vaccines

3) Those awkward stools in the Student Union

4) Across the Universe

5) Getting ready to “beach it” on those wintry 70° nights

6) The Shazam App

7) J.K. Rowling’s new book The Casual Vacancy (September 27th!) – “Blackly comic, thought-provoking, and constantly surprising.”

8) Secretly liking “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” by Taylor Swift

9) The smell of those cinnamon brooms now at Publix

10) Banksy’s Exit Through the Gift Shop – A retro ‘mockumentary’ on street art

11) Blackberry yogurt. (put it in the freezer for a few hours- best makeshift snack ever)

12) Still having a majority of your school supplies since it’s September; cherish it.

13) “Runaway” by Imperial Teen

14) Ribs and cheekbones actually sore from laughing at that stupid inside joke

15) Hairspray. Not the aerosol, the musical.

16) Frank Ocean

17) Coffee. Any type.

18) “Colours” by Grouplove

19) How electrical outlets look like faces

20) The New Normal – the new TV show to watch

21) Taking it back: Under Pressure (Rah Mix) – Queen and David Bowie

22) “It’s not a slam at you when people are rude, it’s a slam at the people they’ve met before” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

23) Cats.

24) New season of SNL. And it’s an election year.


Let us know in the comments which “things” you love, which you hate, and what should be on the list to discover or unanimously salute on the next Things We Love Thursday.