Clubs Up and Running Once Again

Alana Steinberg's designThis year, the club fair took a different approach. Instead of the rush of Orientation Day, students were able to leisurely browse all clubs during their lunch periods.  While some new clubs have emerged, old clubs are still going strong. They will need to step up fundraising this year as clubs are no longer allowed to have bake sales to earn money. This change adds a twist that will hopefully allow clubs and their members to really get involved. Some new clubs include iCon and the Multicultural/Interfaith Club.

Got an interest for fashion? Alana Steinberg, Laura Herman, and Leticia Vazquez have creatively collaborated to start a  fashion magazine named iCon. Run by students, the opinion on the local trends of the season will be coming from PC’s 9th through 12th graders. Students will write, model, and take pictures. There we be local fashion shows, which Pine Crest students will be able to attend. Make sure to check this out.

Photo by: Zahra MarkatiaThe Multicultural/Interfaith Club, run by Zahra Markatia, is a way for all faiths to join together, share ideas, and understand one another.  “This club was founded to help alleviate stereotypes generally assumed about certain cultures and faiths, and provides a way for all types of people to come together,” explains Zahra. There will be fundraisers and many opportunities to earn extra credit from teachers, which should definitely get students involved.