Who Do You Side With?

Who Do You Side With?

While most lack the capabilities to vote, election years still make a huge impact on the lives of those under eighteen.   However, because many of the issues do not directly affect the lives of high schoolers, there seems to be quite an apathetic view towards politics for the majority of students.

But it’s not just important to grasp a sense of politics and the major debated issues as a teen’s 18th birthday approaches- an independent sense of where young adults stand on issues is not just great preparation, but also reminds teens how significant government can be. For the most part, it’s the youth’s future politicians are debating.

Try isidewith.com. It’s a website for people to figure out where they stand on most issues, which can be helpful for younger voters. Teens can take the time to go through and read the various choices and opinions- it shows a different option to issues that maybe wouldn’t normally be seen from their parents’ or friends’ views.

As conventions and debates heat up, stay tuned for coverage and opinions. Don’t miss PC’s TARS and Young Democrats debate this upcoming month. If for nothing else, it’ll be great fun to watch Kent Haeffner and Emily Slatkow go head to head..