Seen in Spring Scenes

After some controversy and confusion, Spring Scenes, the Pine Crest student-run comedy show, is officially happening this year with just a few changes. Although this year, the show will take place in a mandatory assembly rather than as an after-school performance, it will still feature many of the same hilarious actors as last year and draws from an entertaining repertoire of skits. One of the seniors in charge of Spring Scenes this year, Callie Leone, has an optimistic forecast for this year’s show, saying, “Sam Topper and I are thrilled to be in charge of Spring Scenes this year. We had a surprisingly large amount of people that auditioned, and there are some fabulous directors. Even though it’s set up slightly differently than in years past, I think this Spring Scenes is going to be a great show.”

One skit that has been leaked is an overly-dramatized version of a commandeering Kindergarten line leader and his faithful followers as they make their epic journey through the hallways of school. “The skit is pretty funny. I think it’s all gonna be in the execution though, so I hope we do a good job,” junior Savannah Kennelly comments. There is little doubt that everyone involved in Spring Scenes will indeed execute the skits to their full potentials since just making it into Spring Scenes is an accomplishment.  The auditions require spur-of-the-moment improvisational skills and a definite lack of stage fright. The Spring Scenes actors will soon be working hard to prepare for the comedy show: “Next week we have a rehearsal scheduled, so I’m memorizing my lines now,” adds Savannah. Hopefully, these Pine Crest students will show the school their comic skills in an amusing performance for this year’s Spring Scenes.