Spring Fashion Trends

While there is a definite advantage to not having to put together an acceptable outfit at 6:30 am on a Monday morning and a certain sense of rebellion that comes with sneaking up the back stairwell to avoid fastidious teachers who have no qualms about giving detentions for collar-less shirts, there is also an undeniable downside to uniforms. With our outfits basically chosen for us, we fall behind on the latest fashion trends and when, at last, we manage to pull ourselves away from Quizlet and AP review books to go out and be normal teenagers for a night, we have that panicked revelation that we have no idea what to wear. Not to fear! For with this expert advice you will be armed and ready to attack the spring

scene stylishly when that inevitable fashion crisis occurs.

  •  Be colorful. One of this year’s major fashion trends is bright, bold, colors with an emphasis on tropical colors. Bright hues of yellow, oranges, and pinks are the palette favorites (or basically anything that makes you want to wear sunglasses).  Try not to exceed three colors in any one outfit because you can quickly cross the line from fashion savvy student to Coco the Clown.
  • Embrace crazy prints. Nothing is off-limits, seriously, nothing. Some of the most popular crazy prints are busy florals, colorful camo, and futuristic themes. Art history students can embrace Baroque flourishes and keep things scholarly while keeping up with the most fashionable fads. Although, red and blue stripes and little anchors are so last year, you beach fanatics can keep things “nauti” with popular deep sea prints. Pair a colorfully printed jacket with black pants and a black t-shirt to create a bold look without looking like a kaleidoscope.
  • Peplum. Whether you choose to go for a peplum accented jacket, peplum embellished dress, or skirt, with this season’s quirky trend, you will definitely be the talk of the town. This vintage trend is making a comeback, and it’s a good thing too because peplum adds a flirty, feminine flair to any outfit without being distasteful or over the top. This is simple, flattering, and do-able trend that the everyday woman can easily accomplish.

Hope these three tips help you feel fun, fabulous, and in the fashion loop. Have fun creating, and I can’t wait to see the vivid and daring looks you come up with!