Project X Movie Review

A Friday night with no parents, and a house to ourselves equals a good time.

The outlined scenario is basically what happens in the new movie, Project X.  Yes, once again, another teenage raging party movie has been released, but it can’t get any better than classics like Superbad or Old School, right?  Wrong.  Even though the movie starts off like the beginning of every other party movie with the foreboding warning of “don’t drive my car and don’t destroy my house,” Project X was able to make it interesting.  Rather than the car just being wrecked, it gets driven into the pool.  And as for the house—it’s incinerated.  The extremity of all of this and the somewhat true story it was based off of is what makes Project X so appealing.  The entire movie is filmed as a documentary, with the shaky camera guy and everything. The characters interact with the camera man, which makes it more interesting for the audience. I’m not going to spoil the rest for you, but if you have not already seen it, Project X is a must-see for everyone.