Curriculum Planners

Starting next year, many new courses are being offered at PC, specifically in the Science Department. Marine Science as well as Anatomy & Physiology, having never been taught at Pine Crest, are catching the attention of many students.

I interviewed Ms. O’Brien, the new Biology, Environmental Science, and Marine Science teacher about the Marine Biology course this year. Marine Biology, being an honors course, is fairly rigorous, yet is intended to be a fun and very interesting class. Having just come back from a Sea Camp trip to the Keys, Ms. O’Brien told me what she and her students have been doing during the second semester of Marine Biology. On their Sea Camps trip, the group did many activities. During their two-night, three-day trip, the group took part in swimming with sharks, snorkeling, kayaking, dissecting squid, and much more.

Marine Biology, being a very hands-on course, has allowed the students to experience and learn about ocean life in a new way. They have completed plankton, jellyfish, and coral labs and have also done fun things like building a whale out of rope.

Ms. O’Brien hopes to take some local field trips including another snorkeling trip and a turtle walk. Next year, Marine Biology will be offered as two courses, Marine Science H 1 and 2.

Another new course that will be offered, starting next year is Anatomy & Physiology. The teacher has not yet been decided, but the course will focus on the human body systems.

Overall, Pine Crest has done a great job by providing its students with a wide variety of fascinating courses that students are eager to take.