An Interview with Freshman Class President, Ben Frantz

There is so much to take in and process as high school first gets under way. In a recent interview, Ben Frantz, President of the freshman class, spoke about how his first year in high school was going and how his student council experience has been so far.  As the year passed, while getting more comfortable in high school, Ben capably led the freshman class through its first year. “Student Council has been great,” Ben said, and he has thoroughly enjoyed working with his board. Ben explained that he is pleased with all the different perspectives he has heard and makes sure that his decisions benefit the whole grade, rather than a certain group of people. I asked Ben what he would do if he were to be re-elected next year.  He stated that he wants to make sure that the transition is as smooth as possible, and he wants to incorporate more small activities, so that the entire grade can continue to bond throughout the entire year. Ben has really enjoyed both his Student Council and freshman year experience and wants to continue to help the Student Council in the coming years.